High School Grad, The Biggest Life Transition
There are many life transitions that I have found to be pivotal experiences. Those that send you into another chapter that is unfamiliar but are worth navigating for your own growth. However, it can be argued that the transition from high school graduate into young adulthood is the most important yet difficult one of them all.
Let's examine what is expected of the new graduate. These expectations have been ingrained into our American society for some time now. You may not experience them all or have already started the process, however these are unique to this life transition.
New form of independence.
Choosing a school or profession that suits their abilities, ambitions, and talents
Expected to create a schedule, ownership and responsibility on their own for the first time.
New environment (city, home, people etc.)
Understanding their intuition and thought process.
Navigating fears and doubts about their decisions.
Grieving their adolescents.
Applying for jobs and creating a resume.
Creating relationship and networking skills.
Understanding their mental and physical health as an adult within new environmental changes.
These are just a few that are common, but they do not account for the specific challenges we all face within our transition out of high school and into the real world. This can leave a person feeling paralyzed by decisions they need to make for their own future. I remember the first week I was at the University of North Texas. Coming from a town of 3,000 people I was thrown into a new world it seemed. I was somewhat prepared having two older sisters to guide my expectations, but the work I did within the first two years of my education was vital in discovering what my path would be. I did this, painfully on my own wishing I had someone to help me understand my thoughts, my options and my own dreams. That is why I personally love to work with this age group and have helped my clients gain the perspective and practices they need. They have so much to discover about themselves. Yet, most do not have the tools to navigate it to their advantage.
Before you venture into this path of adulthood I urge you to think through these 3 questions. They can be with your family or guardian or not. If you are fortunate to have a support system I suggest letting them in on this process. Why? Well, communication from this point on is key. It will allow them to know what you need, understand your point of view and advocate for you effectively.
What are my top 10 strengths and/or attributes (physically and mentally)?
What experience do I want to have in this next chapter of life?
Consider your growth and the people, places and things that will support that.
Based on how I have responded to change before, do I need extra time to consider my options and come up with a plan? Or do I need to follow a path right away to figure it out as I go? (Note:there is no right or wrong way)
Even when someone has made a decision to move forward with a degree plan or career there can be doubt and fear. In fact, I wrote a recommendation letter for a brilliant young man who change his path after his first semester in medical school. After much soul searching he decided to follow his real dream of becoming a lawyer. As we get older we get to know ourselves a little better and understand what drives our passion, behavior and actions. This was his journey to finding his true path, but imagine having a head start in life. A professional to challenge you, ask you important questions, give you practices to support your mental health and more importantly, guide you to a confidence you never knew was within you. As a trained Life Coach, this is how I help within this important life transition.
What does the process look like when working with a me as your life coach?
Discovery -
Self worth (Top Ten Super Powers)
Core beliefs
Past behavior and successful learning patterns
Fears and doubt
Line of Questioning -
Self discovery
Action Plan and New Vision-
Intention & habits
Tools & practices
Vision and confidence created